[Textiles and Technology] FW: Defined STEM: New Content and New Features!

Tran, Lorraine I tran.lorraine.i at edumail.vic.gov.au
Wed Feb 22 12:53:04 EST 2012

Dear colleague

The following website may be of interest


Regards, Lorraine.

Lorraine Tran I Curriculum Manager, Technologies

VELS Design, Creativity and Technology
VCE Agricultural and Horticultural Studies I VCE Food and Technology
VCE Product Design and Technology I VCE Systems Engineering

Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA)

* (03) 9651 4407   0400833521
* tran.lorraine.i at edumail.vic.gov.au<mailto:tran.lorraine.i at edumail.vic.gov.au>

 The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority provides high quality curriculum, assessment and reporting that promotes individual life long learning.

From: Defined Learning [mailto:kristy_blackmore at definedlearning.com]
Sent: Wednesday, 22 February 2012 2:15 AM
To: Tran, Lorraine I
Subject: Defined STEM: New Content and New Features!

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[Defined STEM]

Defined Learning

2. 21.2012


[Defined STEM Animated Introduction]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1109326417857&s=13668&e=001UhXU_TJRRKl8CYgi69bCM-SMPTofxoOUCH7Mpgq8Vz4QwCs0lvNF7b5uYYRPvdTGmpQYGbsUk7RF5yWyz7NKpqYcfJxO0pW1DFLO4hZOjNm7FQa1-hs7jY-cL2xf3waDlcActL5t4OiecHmxlngUxw==>

Defined STEM Animated Introduction

Click on the links below to see the new additions/changes

* TASK CENTER<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1109326417857&s=13668&e=001UhXU_TJRRKlN1IGuhehXfJ3BOHpdwlJ7Grj77M-PjFDkmXUyS1zJnTO-5NEyWTUd5T8-yeUhOh5KmlHpz53nk_RbG012yoEuwjgpN6foqLtUHZHd6raKQvbk2VcXYsYYz0jDqa1YQDPzIuiAhjmexQ==>
* NEW CONTENT<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1109326417857&s=13668&e=001UhXU_TJRRKn1FfAie9GWy188-1F3IBD1KqRs9Daco4spIwv-6oz5iETOWqKCIQTwgMVFr6fu8A5V0mocbgoSsVuybMn-33aZ4mJ-UjODX1bIGslP8hvgBElPzmV76T_bRTkO7bc6kgI=>

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Check out all of our exciting new content and
new features!

Dear Lorraine,

Defined STEM is excited to announce that we have added new features and new content to our site. Please log on today to see what all the buzz is about.

 New: Task Center

TASK CENTER:   The task center allows you to create, edit, and share new and existing performance and literacy tasks.

[task center]

 New Content

New Content:   New content is added frequently. Log on today to see the latest on Math and Science in a Crime Scene Investigation and Automotive Manufacturing.  Click on the New Content<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1109326417857&s=13668&e=001UhXU_TJRRKn1FfAie9GWy188-1F3IBD1KqRs9Daco4spIwv-6oz5iETOWqKCIQTwgMVFr6fu8A5V0mocbgoSsVuybMn-33aZ4mJ-UjODX1bIGslP8hvgBElPzmV76T_bRTkO7bc6kgI=> link to see more!

[CSI accident reconstruction]

Don't forget to log onto www.definedstem.com<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1109326417857&s=13668&e=001UhXU_TJRRKmfRp87FSM-bB6jYCWG-Ni77MqglEPG-O5UwFpF2d-G5C87gs8_Cf3YxbY-jvmMHHJOkN5SWT7QwTeM9hZqxgX8IQzpkcv9Ko1iws8KF8c4zw==> today to see the new additions!

Please contact us at (847) 850-0188 for more information.

Happy Fat Tuesday from all of us at Defined Learning.

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This email was sent to tran.lorraine.i at edumail.vic.gov.au<mailto:tran.lorraine.i at edumail.vic.gov.au> by kristy_blackmore at definedlearning.com<mailto:kristy_blackmore at definedlearning.com> |
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Defined Learning | 1121 Lake Cook Rd | Suite O | Deerfield | IL | 60015

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