[Textiles and Technology] FW: Casual Relief Teacher vacancies at Zoos Victoria

Tran, Lorraine I tran.lorraine.i at edumail.vic.gov.au
Thu Apr 23 16:40:29 EST 2009

This email is forwarded on request of Guy Pritchard. 


Regards, Lorraine.



Lorraine Tran

Curriculum Manager, P - 12 Design and Technology

Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA)

41 St Andrews Place

East Melbourne 3002



Email: tran.lorraine.i at edumail.vic.gov.au

Telephone: (03) 9651 4407

Mobile:       041 933 1630


The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority provides high quality
curriculum, assessment and reporting that promotes individual life long

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From: Guy Pritchard [mailto:GPritchard at zoo.org.au] 
Sent: Thursday, 23 April 2009 12:00 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients
Subject: FW: Casual Relief Teacher vacancies at Zoos Victoria




Zoos Victoria's three great zoos; Werribee Open Range Zoo, Melbourne Zoo
and Healesville Sanctuary are seeking dynamic people interested in
undertaking casual relief teacher work within Experiences & Learning. We
value informed teaching with a sense of fun! You are an effective
educator for sustainability who draws upon contemporary teaching
practices to deliver unique programs that build connections between
people and wildlife, promote ecological understandings and facilitate
conservation action. 

If this sounds like you, please refer to our website for more
information and details on how to apply:
http://www.zoo.org.au/HR/Positions_Vacant/Casual_Relief_Teachers Closing
date is 29 April 2009

Kind regards, 

Lian Wilson | General Manager Learning Experiences 
Zoos Victoria | Elliott Avenue | Parkville VIC 3052
P:03 9285 9336 | F:03 9285 9340 | M:0416 285 572
lwilson at zoo.org.au <mailto:lwilson at zoo.org.au>  | www.zoo.org.au


Did you know that your old mobile phone can contribute to primate
conservation? To find out more visit


Nothing beats Melbourne Zoo, Healesville Sanctuary & Werribee Open Range
Zoo for great value & good fun. Kids+You+Zoo. This weekend! 

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