[Textiles and Technology] National curriculum developments

Tran, Lorraine I tran.lorraine.i at edumail.vic.gov.au
Wed Jul 2 15:17:22 EST 2008

Dear colleagues


This email is to keep you in the loop regarding recent national
curriculum developments.


Last Friday, a National Curriculum Board Forum was held at the Hilton
Hotel, Melbourne Airport. Over 200 participants from around Australia
had an opportunity to gather and discuss the National Curriculum
Development Paper. This paper is available on the National Curriculum
Board's website which went live on Friday. The URL for the website is
www.ncb.org.au <http://www.ncb.org.au/> 


It should be noted that: 

*	no substantial decisions about structure or content have been
made in relation to the national curriculum 
*	the development of the national curriculum does not necessarily
mean the demise of VELS, the VCE or VCAL, because one possible approach
will be to develop a common, minimal set of content and achievement
standards that each state then embeds into their existing structures.


The next step at the national level is that the NCB commences a series
of capital city meetings which will include state-based consultations.
Given that Victoria hosted the first national consultation forum,
Victoria's state forum will be last cab off the rank, probably toward
the end of this year.


I encourage interested stakeholders to visit the National Curriculum
Board's website to stay informed of developments.


Kind regards, Lorraine.


Lorraine Tran

Curriculum Manager, P - 12 Design and Technology

Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA)

41 St Andrews Place

East Melbourne 3002



Email: tran.lorraine.i at edumail.vic.gov.au

Telephone: (03) 9651 4407

Mobile:       041 933 1630


The VCAA provides curriculum and assessment for prep to Year 12. The
VCAA is a statutory body directly responsible to the Minister for
Education and Training and serves government and non-government schools.

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