[Textiles and Technology] Information on Bachelor of Technology Education

Mike Brown mb.brown at ballarat.edu.au
Fri Aug 29 13:03:18 EST 2008

Hi Everyone

just a very quick reminder that this Sunday August 31st is Open Day at
the Uni of Ballarat.

I will be handing out information on the four year Bachelor of
Technology Education.

alternatively this info is available on request thru Sally Darken or
myself at the School of Education.

Sally's number is 53 27 6128 or myself on 53 27 97 36

also note the special entry and credit for people with trade and
industry experience into the advanced program, for these participants
the B TechEd program is two and a half years long.

finally, a reminder that the Uni of Ballarat also has a special non VTAC
(guaranteed place) entry route for those Year 12 students who come from
rural and regional areas in western Victoria and can get a supporting
letter from their schools.


regards mike brown

Dr Mike Brown
Researching Adult and Vocational Education Team
Co-ordinator of Bachelor of Technology Education
03 53 27 9736
mb.brown at ballarat.edu.au
School of Education
University of Ballarat
Mt Helen Campus
PO Box 663
VIC 3353 

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