[Technical] Student computers

Harry Berends berends at rocketmail.com
Wed Jun 3 13:41:17 EST 2009

Hi Ron,

We have just taken delivery of a set of netbooks (MSI Wind120), courtesy the government grant, and I would be very interested in trying out your software on them.


Harry Berends
ICT Manager
Lighthouse Christian College
927 Springvale Rd
Keysborough 3173
8796 7301
0421 302418

--- On Tue, 6/2/09, Ron Fabre <ron at cybersource.com.au> wrote:

> From: Ron Fabre <ron at cybersource.com.au>
> Subject: [Technical] Student computers
> To: "Technical Discussion in Schools Mailing List" <tech at edulists.com.au>
> Date: Tuesday, June 2, 2009, 12:37 PM
> Howdy
> What I'm looking for is a handful of volunteers who can
> test a new education desktop (netbook/notebook/PC) system
> installation process. This shouldn't take more than five or
> ten minutes of your time, including writing me an email with
> your feedback.
> We'll send you the installation software free of charge.
> Background
> ----------
> Cybersource recently developed a fully automated build tool
> for schools to assist the I.T. personnel (that's you) with
> building of desktops, notebooks, netbooks, etc.
> The tool is a USB key from which you boot the computer.
> Upon selecting the installation option, the computer will
> then do a completely unattended install of Ubuntu including
> office suite, educational software, and so on. Additionally
> it will create a secure localadmin account, email and/or
> display the password, and apply localised 'branding' (your
> school's wallpaper, screensaver message, bookmarks,
> homepage, etc).
> The USB key includes options for:
> * Standard Ubuntu
> * Standard Edubuntu
> * Netbook Ubuntu remix
> * Diagnostic tools
> Assuming you have authority to install alternate software
> on your school systems then please reply privately and I'll
> be happy to send you a USB key (free of cost, of course).
> Best regards
> Ron
> -- Ron Fabre . . . . . . . . . . . 1/130-132 Stawell St,
> Richmond
> Product & Services Manager. . . P:03 9428 6922 .F:03
> 9428 6944
> Cybersource Pty Ltd . . . . . . http://www.cybersource.com.au/
> Cybersource PrisonPC - Full function and high-security
> desktop computing solution for correctional facilities; http://www.prisonpc.com/
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