[Technical] Staff personal laptops

Jason Clarke JCL at gwsc.vic.edu.au
Fri Jan 23 15:46:37 EST 2009

Hi Alan,

"Best Effort".


If it is for work purposes and they're ineligible for a teacher notebook
(i.e. student teachers, overseas teachers, CRTs) we will put them on our
wireless, give them the proxy settings that are required, but after that
its whatever spare time we can spare.


Given that teachers have very easy and very cheap access to laptops that
are already supported.. its hard to justify why a personal notebook of
god knows what configuration or virus protection status should be put on
the network.




Jason Clarke


Network Manager

Glen Waverley S.C.

p 03 8805 6750

m 0418 145 318

e jcl at gwsc.vic.edu.au <mailto:jcl at gwsc.vic.edu.au>  

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From: tech-bounces at edulists.com.au [mailto:tech-bounces at edulists.com.au]
On Behalf Of Alan Oh
Sent: Friday, 23 January 2009 12:30 PM
To: Technical Discussion in Schools Mailing List
Subject: [Technical] Staff personal laptops


Please excuse me if this email is in the wrong place.


I would like to know how schools cater for staff with personal laptops
who would like to use it in the school. Access to resource,
applications, mail, etc. Especially those laptops with Vista and the
school is all on XP.(still)




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