[Technical] we need a technician!

Mclean, Rachelle L Mclean.Rachelle.L at edumail.vic.gov.au
Tue Feb 26 15:36:29 EST 2008

Hi All,


I'm new to this list and wanted to say hi first... so hi!!!


Secondly, my school is looking for a technician, for one day a week, for
8 hours.  $25 per hour that the technician bills us for.


Skills we are looking for are...

Repair computer equipment, software and hardware. 


Perform Network Administration tasks.


Support staff and students IT requirements. 


Experience in Windows XP and Server 2003


Experince in LAN/WAN technologies


Experience with Ghost Corporate Server 


Good communication skills are essential.


If you know of anyone, or are interested yourself, then I'd love to hear
from you.  My mobile is 0421 880 699




Rachelle McLean

Art and Media Teacher

Director of eLearning

Karingal Park Secondary College

Belar Avenue Frankston 3199

9789 4544        9776 5211 (fax)




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