[Technical] Online attendance software

RILEY, Bruce Bruce.RILEY at kew.vic.edu.au
Fri Jun 1 10:07:03 EST 2007

Thanks Kevork,
I had a smile on my face as I read your email. It is sad when people
can't see the forest for the trees. I can only hope that we will fare
better as there is support from the top and also from the coords. Most
of our staff take their notebook to class but I'm sure there will be an
outcry when they are asked to mark the roll online, which they already
do but in to their own spreadsheet. I will have a look at the Human Edge

-----Original Message-----
From: tech-bounces at edulists.com.au [mailto:tech-bounces at edulists.com.au]
On Behalf Of Kevork Krozian
Sent: Friday, 1 June 2007 9:50 AM
To: tech at edulists.com.au
Subject: Re: [Technical] Online attendance software

Hi Bruce,

 Back in 1993 as part of the IT Systems programming task we set up an
attendance system. We were so excited !!!

So much so that we got hold of ASP in Ormond to build swipe units for
library cards wall mounted in each classroom to fully implement our CAT
( Common Assessment Task ).
My brightest student ( Dr Leigh Fitzgibbon now, a Ph D in Computer
Science working in London ) took the programming task by the scruff of
the neck and built a fully commercial system.

 All I asked teachers to do was to ensure all students swiped their
cards and to check attendance the next day in the printouts for
anomalies. The idea was that students are responsible for recording
their attendance , not teachers. Teachers were just there to manage the
I was shouted down by one of the louder teachers with " ... I haven't
got time for that ..... !!! " .  I was underwhelmed by the lack of
support from those above ....
Gradually the system died a slow death and was shut down.

The swipe units and the library cards still grace many classroom walls
for historical interest and the odd student enquiries about the purpose
of these units.  I still manage a bemused smile when recounting the
experience ...... 

We now use the web based A+ from Human Edge Software that is integrated
with First Class the timetabling package. 

Good luck with your project Bruce 


>>> Bruce.RILEY at kew.vic.edu.au 31/05/2007 6:36 pm >>>
Hi all


We are investigating options for online attendance software. What are
schools using for this?


Our requirements (sorry this should read wish list) are a:


*         System that students can use to swipe their card when they
arrive late/leave early to/from school. VCE coordinators are
particularly keen on this as Kew runs a minimum attendance policy.
could access it online and mark their roll each lesson

*         Link in with our current AD network so that only one
is maintained

*         Hand held device could also access the system via wireless

*         Reporting

*         Generate SMS or emails to parents for non attendance


I know this has elements of 'Ultranet' but we are keen to implement a
system now.


If this has already been asked I apologise in advance.








Bruce Riley

ICT Manager

Kew High School

1393 Burke Road

Kew East, VIC. 3102



Phone: 61 3 9859 8652

Fax:     61 3 9819 7880

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