[Technical] Advice Request - Workstation Purchase

Keith Richardson keithcr at fastmail.fm
Wed Jul 25 15:35:39 EST 2007

Hello All - thank you for your recent help oin my last query - most
Our IT committee has asked me to fire away another query:
We will be buying approximately 40 workstations (computers in Primary
classrooms) running XP, with the usual paraphenalia, such as CD/DVD,
USB2 socket, Firewire, Sound card, ethernet card, etc. For me the most
important thing is top have reliable back-up service when things go
wrong, ideally where they will come in and fix the machine.
Up till now we have purchased locally, but I have been asked to spread
the net more widely, for comparison at least.
Any recommended suppliers, good experiences stories etc?
Cheers, Keith
Keith Richardson

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