[Technical] OT - VITTA 3in6 Rules Adjustment

Keith Richardson k.richardson at yavneh.vic.edu.au
Sun Jun 11 08:16:20 EST 2006

To accommodate students who are learning to use various 3D animation
software, the list of acceptable programs that may be used in the
Animation section of this year's 3in6 schools competition has been

The "News Page Item" now reads:
11-06-2006: Expansion of allowable 3D software for the Animation
Divisions of 3in6-2006: 3D Animation (Kahootz but only for Primary and
Junior), or Bryce, Blender3D**, 3DS Max, Lightwave 3D or Maya - Kahootz
as a .ktz file, the others as an .AVI file" - see Rules page. 

The full rules (covering both Video and Animation) may be read on

Regards, Keith
Keith Richardson
Organizer VITTA 3in6 Video Competition
3in6 at openlab.net.au

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