[Technical] Launch of the new 3in6-2006 Competition

Keith Richardson keithcr at fastmail.fm
Mon Jan 2 18:26:04 EST 2006

Please forgive cross-posts.

VITTA 3in6-2006 has grown and changed!
Many thanks to the dozens of students and teachers who provided feedback
on the competition's rules and structures.
Here are the four main changes incorporated into the 2006 competition:
1/ Two added judging criteria in 2006 - Acting and Lighting.
2/ Signed team forms not required from every team. Team member names may
be emailed indicating school and entry division.
3/ Each school's winning divisional entry to be submitted (a) burnt to
CD, (b) with Signed Registration form, (c) with a short "Directors Cut"
video - 1-2 minutes long made by team members discussing the making of
their 3in6 entry.
4/ Three new divisions have been added: Animation Primary, Junior and

A new website for the schools video competition VITTA-3in6-2006 has been
Take a look for yourself by visiting http://3in6.openlab.net.au
It has been completely re-designed, and re-built from the ground up.
Based on CSS, the html code is relatively slim, yet its multi-media
atmosphere has been enhanced by the enormous flexibility offered via Web
Standards and CSS. Many thanks to web design enthusiasts from around the
world who provided outstanding suggestions and criticism during the
design phase. They included paople form Australia, USA, Japan and UK.

Keith Richardson
VITTA 3in6-2006 Organizer

Keith Richardson
IPM List Moderator
Head of ICT, Leibler Yavneh College
Ph: 03.9528.4911
k.richardson at yavneh.vic.edu.au

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