[Technical] Notebooks for New Staff - DET needs to help

Jim Maunder techo at ruyton.vic.edu.au
Fri Feb 24 10:10:11 EST 2006

At 09:32 AM 24/02/2006, you wrote:
>Jim Maunder wrote:
>>I suspect that with Macs the main problem is a PEBUAK*.
>>* problem exists between user and keyboard

>do you mean PEBCAK?

Yes! That's the one! I had a brief episode of that just then, so I 
made up my own acro-thing.

What I was getting at was the type of Mac user who chooses it because 
it is cute/pretty_colour/people_say_they_are_easy_to_use are likely 
to get into trouble on any kind of 'pooter/gui combination.


>Mark Snell - IT Consultant & Web Designer
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Jim Maunder
Ruyton Girls School
Melbourne, Australia

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