[Technical] Notebooks for New Staff - DET needs to help

Jim Maunder techo at ruyton.vic.edu.au
Fri Feb 24 08:59:46 EST 2006

At 07:17 AM 24/02/2006, you wrote:
>On Thu, Feb 23, 2006 at 11:45:29PM +1100, David Rayment wrote:
> > Macs consume more problems due to the fact everybody (including my 4
> > year old niece) knows windows.

>hmmm, now where do I begin with this one? ;-)
>1) Have you ever tried your niece on a Mac? I'd bet a 6-pack that she'd
>    find it far more intuitive than Windows.

I've spent over 25 years developing my intuition for using 'pooters, 
and none of them are intrinsically 'intuitive' IMHO!

I suspect that with Macs the main problem is a PEBUAK*.

* problem exists between user and keyboard

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Ruyton Girls' School

Jim Maunder
Ruyton Girls School
Melbourne, Australia

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