[Technical] OLPC to feature at linux conf au

Keith Richardson keithcr at fastmail.fm
Fri Dec 22 10:17:35 EST 2006

Thanks for this Donna.
BTW - do you know how Seymour Papert's health is now after being hit by
a motor cycle in Hanoi?
Cheers, Keith

On Fri, 22 Dec 2006 09:35:36 +1100, "Donna Benjamin" <donna at cc.com.au>
> Hi all,
> I know some of you have been interested in the $100 laptop project, OLPC
> - the children's machine... so thought this might be worth passing on.
> cheers
> Donna
> http://www.computerworld.com.au/index.php/id;1775295474;fp;2;fpid;4
> LCA awaits as Blizzard hits Sydney this summer
> Chris Blizzard of Red Hat and One Laptop per Child fame will speak next
> month at the world renowned linux.conf.au
> "kids - especially young ones - learn from each other as much as they
> learn from a teacher. If you let kids show each other interesting
> things, let them share and work together you'll end up with an effect
> that makes teachers more effective and lets kids start to educate each
> other."
> Seymour Papert has been an important mind in the development of the
> education principles they're putting in place.
> -- 
> donna benjamin - executive director
> http://www.creativecontingencies.com/
> ph +61 3 9326 9985 | mob +61 418 310 414
> research - facilitation - web development 
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Keith Richardson

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