[Technical] Sonasoft?

Clark, Ian C clark.ian.c at edumail.vic.gov.au
Fri Aug 4 13:42:17 EST 2006

> -----Original Message-----
> From: tech-bounces at edulists.com.au [mailto:tech-
> Does anyone know why Windows still has this problem with open files
> backups? This has never been an issue on other platforms, like Linux,

You mean your company developed this product without understanding the
concept of file locks?

File locks are genuine in Windows, not advisory as in Unix ... a bit
like voluntary traffic lights at an intersection!

If you don't believe this odd behavior of Unix, it's mentioned at

Note that your competitors such as BackupExec can back up open files, as
can the free, inbuilt Windoze backup utility, NTbackup.

> and you don't need special 'shims' to work around backup issues with
> Microsoft's SQL Server and Exchange.

And Oracle, and DB2, and GroupWise, and Notes, and ... you get the
picture ... no point demonizing Micro$oft for *their* enterprise
database or collaboration system ...

> By comparisons, our costings research for software which will allow
> to perform backups on SQL Server and Exchange shows that you need $5k
> for that software per server alone.

What costings research?

It's free.

SQL Server comes with its own backup facility, Exchange adds an agent to


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