[Technical] A "real" world problem for consideration

Clark, Ian C clark.ian.c at edumail.vic.gov.au
Fri Apr 21 12:33:38 EST 2006


> -----Original Message-----
> From: tech-bounces at edulists.com.au 
> [mailto:tech-bounces at edulists.com.au] On Behalf Of Kevork Krozian
>   Recently there has been a fair amount of tension between 
> the students playing the blame game of accusing each other of 
> slowing down the internet link or downloading more than their 
> fair share ( 12GB link  midday to midnight, 3 GB each if all 
> is fair   ---    20GB midnight to midday, 5 GB each if the 
> daytime limit is not breached ) for the month.  
>   The solution needs to be  two  ( maybe three ) fold:
>                      1. Bandwidth management -- each user 
> gets one quarter of available bandwidth
>                      2. Download usage management -- each 
> user gets no more than one quarter of the limit for the 
> month. User can check balance.
>                      3. Not be so expensive to setup and 
> maintain , that it makes the solution more expensive than 
> setting up individual ADSL lines for each student.

Hi Kevork,

You'll need more than Squid - you want to control packets other than web
traffic ... at a guess, for your Uni students, P2P would be a big part
of what they do (Kanye West mp3s don't download themselves!)... you can
roll your own Linux solution to do bridging bandwidth management ... a
TSP named Dariusz has posted results of some of his work at
http://www.eduweb.vic.gov.au/techroom/forums/15226/ShowPost.aspx that
you might want to investigate for inspiration ... 

There is a Windows product at http://www.bandwidthcontroller.com/ 

I'm sure there are others.


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