[Technical] Call for VITTA-3in6-2005 Division Judging Chairpersons - URGENT

Keith Richardson keithcr at fastmail.fm
Tue Oct 11 07:52:49 EST 2005

Please forgive cross-posts.

We urgently need the help of interested teachers to assist in the
selection of those entries from schools that will be judged at the VITTA
Annual Conference.
Download a detailed sheet from the url below.
Please consider assisting if you are in any way interested. Thank you.
Keith Ruchardson
VITTA-3in6-2005 Coordinator.

Keith Richardson
IPM List Moderator
Head of ICT, Leibler Yavneh College
Ph: 03.9528.4911
k.richardson at yavneh.vic.edu.au

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