[Technical] Equipment and Room booking system

Tony Richardson RichardsonT at kardinia.vic.edu.au
Wed Aug 24 11:44:24 EST 2005

We have just changed from Bookit (not web based and some problems over
the years) to Meeting Room Booking System
http://sourceforge.net/projects/mrbs/ - open source and free and easily
adapted to allow booking of all our resources from tvs to cameras to
rooms. Quite a sophisticated system with a recurrent bookings etc
allowed but simple to set up if you know the basics of php/MySql. We
have it operating in a Windows 2000 server environment and
authenticating to Windows

Used by VUT too I believe


Tony Richardson
Learning Technologies Coordinator
Kardinia International College
PO Box 17
Geelong VIC 3220
Phone: (03) 5278 9999
Fax: (03) 5278 9529
Email: richardsont at kardinia.vic.edu.au

-----Original Message-----
From: tech-bounces at edulists.com.au [mailto:tech-bounces at edulists.com.au]
On Behalf Of James Poulos
Sent: Wednesday, 24 August 2005 10:31 AM
To: The Moodle Users' in Schools Mailing List; Technical Discussion in
Schools Mailing List
Subject: [Technical] Equipment and Room booking system

 Hi there all.

I am investigating online booking systems at the moment and thought that
it being integrated into moodle would be great. After a bit of checking
around, I found that there is a booking module for moodle being
developed and released properly soon. (see

However, on first glance it looks a bit tricky to set up, so I was
wondering if anyone used an online booking system already and could
recommend one?


James Poulos
IT Coordinator
Cranbourne Christian College
jpoulos at crancc.vic.edu.au
Ph: 03 5995 2188

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