[Studioarts] FW: information on Principal survey
Peter Wakefield
peter at vitta.org.au
Mon Jun 25 16:36:12 EST 2012
Hi Listers,
VITTA is part of the reference group for Deakin university for the teacher
effectiveness study below. They are seeking wide responses to this.
It would be great if you could pass this survey to the appropriate people
in your principals group.
Peter Wakefield
Professional Learning Manager
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Cc: Phillipa Hodder
Subject: information on Principal survey
Dear Reference Group Member,
As mentioned at the Reference Group meeting if possible can you please
distribute either the following paragraph or the information at the end of
this email through your networks.
Phillipa Hodder
A Deakin University led research team invites principals and new teachers to
take part in a longitudinal study investigating the effectiveness of teacher
education. The project known as SETE (Studying the Effectiveness of Teacher
Education) focuses on how best to prepare teachers who demonstrate the
knowledge and skills for teaching students in diverse settings. A link to
the first of three online surveys has been sent via email to principals
across Queensland and Victoria. The closing date for responses has been
extended to July 6. The success of the research rests upon the involvement
of principals and we are hopeful that you will choose to contribute.
URL: http://www.deakin.edu.au/arts-ed/research/projects/sete.php
Email: jodie.kline at deakin.edu.au
Principals and new teachers are joining with a Deakin University led
research team to investigate effectiveness of teacher education. The project
known as SETE (Studying the Effectiveness of Teacher Education) focuses on
how best to prepare teachers who demonstrate the knowledge and skills for
teaching students in diverse settings.
Focusing on early career teachers in Victoria and Queensland Deakin
University - in partnership with Griffith University, the Queensland
Department of Education and Training, the Victorian Department of Education
and Early Childhood Development, the Victorian Institute of Teaching, and
the Queensland College of Teachers - will examine the effectiveness of
teacher education in equipping early career teachers to meet the learning
needs of young people in a range of schools.
The quality of teacher education is a matter of concern in Australia where
popular perception suggests teacher education falls short in preparing
graduates for the challenges of teaching. This project brings together key
stakeholders with a range of perspectives in order to build knowledge
regarding the preparation, induction and retention of quality teachers in
diverse settings.
The project will use school-based case studies and early career teacher and
principal surveys to inform policy development, program accreditation and
design and delivery of teacher education programs in Australian
The following research questions will be addressed:
. How well equipped are teacher education graduates to meet the
requirements of the diverse settings in which they are employed?
. What characteristics of teacher education programs are most
effective in preparing teachers to work in a variety of school settings?
. How does the teacher education course attended impact on graduate
employment destination, pathways and retention within the profession?
Principals interested in taking part should keep an eye out for an email
invitation from Deakin University. The closing date for responses to the
Principal Survey (Round One) has been extended to July 6. The success of the
research rests upon the involvement of teachers and principals and we are
hopeful that those invited will choose to contribute.
The SETE study runs concurrently with the National Longitudinal Teacher
Workforce Main Study. The SETE project is supported by Australian Research
Council funding. The National Longitudinal Teacher Workforce Study is funded
through the Teacher Quality National Partnership and managed by the National
Teacher Workforce Data Set Working Group, chaired by the Victorian
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.
For more information about SETE visit
http://www.deakin.edu.au/arts-ed/research/projects/sete.php or contact
jodie.kline at deakin.edu.au
Phillipa Hodder| Research Assistant, School of Education
Deakin University | www.deakin.edu.au <http://www.deakin.edu.au/>
Waurn Ponds Campus - 75 Pigdons Road, Waurn Ponds, Victoria 3216
Tel: +61 3 5227 1488 | E: phodder
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