[Year 12 SofDev] Ease of use clarification

Rattan, Kushum L rattan.kushum.l at edumail.vic.gov.au
Thu Sep 22 12:47:59 EST 2011

Could someone please clarify if " ease of use" of a software solution a measure of Efficiency or Effectiveness.

In the study design glossary this is what is included as Efficiency "Measures of an efficient solution include
the speed of processing, the functionality of the solution, the ease
of use of the solution"

Whereas under Effectiveness this is what is stated:
Measures of an effective solution include completeness, readability, attractiveness,
clarity, accuracy, accessibility, timeliness, communication of message, relevance and usability.

Kushum Rattan
Information and Communications Technology
Curriculum Area Leader
Gisborne Secondary College
rattan.kushum.l at edumail.vic.gov.au<mailto:mcclusky.brigid.m at edumail.vic.gov.au>

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