[Psychology] Past Psych Unit 3 VCE exam answer sheet

Lisa Bairstow lisabairstow at gmail.com
Wed Apr 23 13:29:16 EST 2008

Hi Adrienne,

There is no 'answer sheet' as such. The assessment report
gives the answers to multiple choice questions (they are the ones shaded in
grey) as well as information on how many students answered correctly. For
short answer, most of the questions have answers written, or at least some
guide as to what answers were accepted.

My advice is to try exam marking sometime. Best PD you could do!

Good luck with the lead up to mid year!


On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 12:52 PM, Adrienne Plotnek <plotnek at hcc.vic.edu.au>

>  Hi, Does anyone have a copy of the 2005, 2006 & 2007 answer sheet to the
> Unit 3 Psych exam?
> VCAA has comments, but I can't seem to just find a straight out answer
> sheet!  Maybe I've looked in the wrong spot? Maybe there isn't one?
> If anyone can shed light…it would be much appreciated.
> Thanks
> Adrienne
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