[Psychology] VITTA Annual Conference 2007 - update
Caroline Bailey
caroline at vitta.org.au
Thu Sep 27 15:27:47 EST 2007
Apologies for the cross-posts...
VITTA's annual conference is fast approaching, and the full program will be available on the website soon - vitta.org.au/conference/2007/
The conference is on Nov 19-21 at The Grandstand, Flemington Racecourse.
Key topcis this year include:
• Web 2.0 - Exploring wikis, blogs, and collaborative tools that allows us to use the web to share and create new knowledge online.
• 3D Virtual Worlds - explore strategies for online learning in this new dimension.
• Moodle, Freemind, Scratch - Open Source tools for learning and visualising thinking.
• Interactive White Boards - Using interactive tools across the curriculum.
• Eye on Curriculum - VCE and VET Information Technology, VCE Multimedia, VELS ICT Domain in partnership with English, Maths, Science, Humanities, The Arts and LOTE.
Remember signing up as website user is free, and entitles you to VITTA's monthly eNews bulletin, which will include alerts as to when online registrations are open.
>From the website you can get all registration fee details plus find out who the keynote presenters are.
Regards, Caroline
Caroline Bailey
Professional Learning Coordinator (Tue-Wed-Thu)
VITTA - Victorian IT Teachers' Association
T: +61 3 9495 6836 F: +61 3 9495 6834
E: caroline at vitta.org.au W: www.vitta.org.au
Suite 202, 134-136 Cambridge St
Collingwood, VIC, 3066, Australia
* Wed 10 Oct - Mildura - VELS & Game Maker
VITTA Annual Conference - Nov 19-21
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