[Opensource] Moodle Install Fest

Donna Benjamin donna at cc.com.au
Tue Dec 18 10:08:16 EST 2007

Ok, Wow! - Let's do it! 
We have 3 offers for venue, 
and a range of ideas for 'when?'

I am organising http://linux.conf.au at unimelb which takes place Jan28
- Feb2. My time is somewhat limited by that so a mid to late February
Date would suit me better. However I'm happy to facilitate this
happening in January, I just won't be able to commit to being there

Some people indicated they would like to have a machine ready to go
before term starts, so Jan would be better for them.

So... Here's 4 options for dates:

 Friday 18th
 Saturday 19th

 Saturday 9
 Saturday 16

** Suggested Program **
   10am-1pm: Build systems / install LAMP & moodle
   1-2pm: LUNCH (BYO or Pay4Catering?)
   2-5pm: Configure moodle / set up courses & share knowledge

** Venues **
   Stephen Bloomer - St. Peter's College, Cranbourne
   "If you want an installfest on a weekday, I can clear a classroom
during the second half of January"

   Roland Gesthuizen - Westall Secondary College, Clayton
   Saturday in February
   "if we run it on a Saturday, we could invite school techs."
   "Saturday, early February, could also rustle up a BBQ for lunch"
   "I have a dozen of the ye olde Acer 5100 "digital divide" computers
that we can trash and rebuild"

   Roslyn Meadows
   "need to have moodle running seamlessly by the first day next year"
   "If venue is a problem I will even offer my house!!"

** edulist participants **
   Kent Beveridge
   Adam Barbary
   Phil Brown
   Andrew Weir
   Alan Oh
   Max Wohlgehagen (Tech)
   Kevork ?

** luv participants **
   Minh Nguyen
   Daniel Jitnah
   Nic Baxter

donna benjamin - executive director
ph +61 3 9326 9985 | mob +61 418 310 414
research - facilitation - web development 

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