[Moodle] Sloodle

nic ryan nr at sgsc.vic.edu.au
Fri Jan 23 08:16:23 EST 2009

I'm sitting in my classroom in Edmonton, Canada(I'm on a 12 month ITF exchange
fellowship). It's -18 outside and windy and I was thinking about how to get a moodle
server live into a very structured and centralised IT system here for my grade (year) 10
maths groups that start next Thursday.  No classes this week as it's exam week.

Anyway whilst seraching for a free moodle host (there seems to be quiet a few out there)
I came across Sloodle, an intergration of Second life and Moodle. Whilst I doubt I'll be
able to use it here, I wondered if anyone had had a play and if I was the only one who
didn't know about it.

Anyway if anyone is interested check out http://www.sloodle.org/moodle/

Enjoy your start to the new year. By the time you have started for 2009 I'll have taught
for 4 weeks, marked 110 exams and finalised end of semsester reports. 

Nic Ryan
previously ICT Coordinator
South Gippsland Secondary College, Foster Victoria

Currently Maths teacher
Jasper Place HS, Edmonton Canada

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