[Moodle] What the kids chat about

Adam Barbary home at adambarbary.com
Fri Apr 18 11:05:43 EST 2008

Call me slow, but I have finally found out the easy way to see what  
students are saying when using the Chat client in Moodle. Prior to  
this I was interrogating the SQL database and rummaging through the  
comments matching them back to user names by cross referencing the  
tables. Now, I have just realised that you can click the user, select  
logs (all logs) then click on any entry where they have written to  
another student to see the entire conversation between the parties  
involved. Given that misuse seems to be traceable to a few students  
(you know which ones...) it is easy to take action on the abusers.

If you have any other admin tips, I'd love to hear them.

Adam Barbary
Viewbank College

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