[IWB] WeCreate: Digital Story Awards- sorry for x-posts

Jo McLeay jo at vitta.org.au
Wed Apr 21 12:16:09 EST 2010

Dear colleagues, 

The newly created WeCreate projects which include the Connected Learning Awards and WeCreate challenges, offer students exciting opportunities to use ICT in meaningful, engaging and creative ways. For the 2010 WeCreate Connected Learning Awards, students will be able to create not only digital stories, short films, greeting cards, digital artworks, learning resources and web sites. The WeCreate challenges offer students the chance to produce videos for news broadcasts, documentary films and for themes such as national treasures in their local area. This competition is open to students K-12 across Australia. 

WeCreate projects will be conducted throughout 2010 and each one can be mapped across a range of curriculum areas. All WeCreate projects are free to enter and are open to all school-aged children in all schools across Australia. 

For full details of the WeCreate projects go to http://www.cli.nsw.edu.au/services/wecreate/wecreate.htm and click on the WeCreate flyer for a list of the closing dates. The first WeCreate Connected Learning Award for Term 2, 2010 is Digital Story. This provides students an opportunity to combine words, images, music, sound and other media to tell a story of human migration. This award is a collaborative project between the Centre for Learning Innovation and the National Museum of Australia . 

All entries must be submitted to the WeCreate: Digital Story Awards website by 6:00 pm AEST on 19 May 2010 . For full details of this competition go to 
http://www.cli.nsw.edu.au/digitalstory . 


Jo McLeay 
Professional Learning Officer 
Victorian Information Technology Teachers Association 
T: +61 3 9495 6836 
M: +61 (0) 402 087 017 
E: jo at vitta.org.au 
W: www.vitta.org.au 
Suite 209, 134 - 136 Cambridge St, 
Collingwood, VIC, 3066, Australia 

VITTA ~ supporting ICT Educators anywhere, any time 
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