[Year 12 IT Apps] Another silly question

Sylvia Pastore smp191172 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 27 10:39:19 AEDT 2015

Hi all
Im in the process of working with an elearning committee at my school and
we are wanting to ensure that all subject areas are incorporating ICT in
their areas. We know that they are but with the new curriculum it is going
to be quite daunting. Im in the process of creating documents so that staff
in other areas can put in where and what they do with digital technologies.
The scope and sequence is quite technical I think for some staff. My
question to the brains trust is how does your school document the use of
ICT in other learning areas and how do you ensure that it is done. If any
one has any examples of documentation I would love to see it or any advise
on how to ensure learning areas use ICT in an exciting manner in line with
digital techs your assistance will be very appreciated.
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