[Year 12 IT Apps] Fried phish

Mark Kelly kel at mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au
Thu Oct 8 12:45:20 EST 2009

Gang of 100 Phishers Charged in U.S., Egypt

A gang of more than 100 alleged phishers has been charged in the U.S. 
and Egypt in connection with a global scheme to steal bank credentials 
of victims and siphon money from their accounts.

Interestingly, about a quarter of the defendants named are female!


Mark Kelly
Manager - Information Systems
McKinnon Secondary College
kel AT mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au
McKinnon Rd, McKinnon 3204, Victoria, Australia
Direct line / Voicemail: 8520 9085 Fax +613 9578 9253

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