[Year 12 IT Apps] U3-O1

Litsa Tzelepis htzelepis at msj.melb.catholic.edu.au
Mon Mar 2 12:17:28 EST 2009

Good afternoon,

can someone please clarify a key skills dot point from the study design for U3-O1?

"analyse current information-processing practices in order to identify the nature of the problems, the
requirements of the information products in order to meet the identified decision-making needs,
and the constraints of the solution"

I am confused about the "decision making needs". Do we talk general running of the organsiation needs or specific database needs, such as forms, reports, etc. I am actually thinking that the latter goes into requirements of the information products.

You know when things make sense and then suddenly they don't - I'm having that moment.

Thank-you, Lista.

Litsa Tzelepis
Mount St. Joseph Girl's College
Y10 Team Leader & Technology Convenor
(P)8398 2000 | (F)9398 3498
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