[Year 12 IT Apps] The new PSM

Mark Kelly kel at mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au
Wed Aug 19 10:46:03 EST 2009

The new study design has a new model for the Problem Solving Methodology:

"For the purposes of this study design the methodology comprises four 
stages: analysing, designing, developing and evaluating."

First we had the ADDTDIE model, then ADDTIE, now ADDE.

I can see why documentation might be subsumed into Development, but I'm 
curious why formal Testing and Implementation have been removed.  They 
haven't even been subsumed into remaining phases.

Mark Kelly
Manager - Information Systems
McKinnon Secondary College
kel AT mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au
McKinnon Rd, McKinnon 3204, Victoria, Australia
Direct line / Voicemail: 8520 9085 Fax +613 9578 9253

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