[Year 12 IT Apps] VITTA PD announcement

Adrian Janson janson.adrian.a at edumail.vic.gov.au
Sat Apr 5 19:01:38 EST 2008

Hi everyone (and apologies for the cross posts),


The upcoming VITTA PD titled 'VCE and VET IT Exam Preparation for Teachers' 

was to be held at Melbourne High School on the 17th April - however, some of
the details of this event have changed.


I am pleased to announce that the event will now be moved to the Swinburne
University Hawthorn Campus (which is not very far from Melbourne High
School) and the event will now be Internet podcast for teachers in rural
areas (or those that cannot attend).


As many of you know, there has been some debate about the use of these
technologies recently - and VITTA is in the process of evaluating a few
proposals and trialling technologies as we speak.  We have also applied for
some significant funding so that we might be able to establish some
technologies permanently that will be used to build upon and enrich the
VITTA resource bank - as well as provide on-line access to all PDs for those
in regional and rural Victoria and inter-state.  I want to assure you all
that we are in fact working on this issue - but I know that for many of you,
'soon' is not soon enough.  


The timeline for the PD day remains the same: being - 


4:15pm - Registration and refreshments

4:45pm - Concurrent Sessions (Choose one)

               1) ITA Applications (Claudia Graham, Chief Assessor)

               2) VET IT (Kevork Krozian, Forest Hill College)

5:45pm - Changeover

6:00pm - Software Development (Claudia Graham)

7:00pm - Close


A revised pricing structure will be available shortly.


Thank-you to Swinburne University and in particular, Robert Mercer, who has
initiated this generous offer to VITTA - and hence to VITTA members.  If
this session and the technologies prove to be successful - we may choose to
move in this direction in the longer term.


In regards to the PD session that will be held on the 9th April 'Supporting
Virtual Teams Through Technology' (http://www.vitta.org.au/calendar/?day=09

This session was one in which we were opportunistic as we received news of a
exciting speaker (in Michael Sampson from NZ) who would only be available at
this time.  We have not had the time to make this event available on-line,
but will create a DVD of the presentation and make these materials available
to all VITTA members.



Adrian Janson

VITTA President



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