[Year 12 IT Apps] Solutions to Potts SACS

Brendyn Hancock hancobr at nagle.sale.catholic.edu.au
Tue Sep 18 08:28:24 EST 2007

Sounds like an excuse to me. The criterion is set. I agree there may be
some variations but that's no excuse for no support. Thats like saying
we would let the kids mark their own exams because each teacher has
taught them a different set of work!

I'm looking for value and support from my text book publisher.


Brendyn Hancock
IT Manager
bhancock at nagle.sale.catholic.edu.au
Nagle College
5152 6122
Bairnsdale VIC 3875

>>> "Bane, Janet A" <bane.janet.a at edumail.vic.gov.au> 17/09/2007 5:13
pm >>>
I have been endeavouring to get solutions to the Potts SACS available
on their website.  Its becoming a bit of a saga now but basically their
latest reply to my request is as follows:

Dear Janet,

There are no answers provided for these two Unit 4 SACs. This is
because the students response to each SAC will differ depending on what
was taught in class, the software used, and the expectations of the
teachers. It is much better if the teacher themselves come up with the
criteria for assessment as they know what they are expecting from the

Kind regards,

Lee-Ann Woon
Marketing Coordinator
Secondary Education Publishing

I am very disappointed with this response, as not only do I feel that
its inaccurate (SAC 2 does not rely on any knowledge of a specific
software type) but I feel its a bit of a cop out from the
authors/publishers, who promised teacher support, (not just student
support) when I booklisted the text.  I'm not looking for "full on"
detailed answers, just some gentle reassurance that I'm on the right
track and that I haven't missed anything important.

What do others think?  Any suggestions as to what we can do about it?

Janet Bane

Patterson River Secondary College

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