[Year 12 IT Apps] Exam Q B 11e

Wed Nov 28 13:49:38 EST 2007

Sorry if this has posted multiple times, I've been having trouble sending it...



A student of mine has been mulling over the exam questions and has noticed a problem with the formula in short answer Q11e (Keith has already mentioned it on the wiki).

If they want "to alert customers when their new bill is $100 or more than their previous bill"  the formula should be =If(B2>=(B3+ l00),"ALERT"," ").

I think the test data should be:

*	B2 (new bill)=300, B3 (previous bill)=200, C5=Nothing 
*	B2 (new bill)=301, B3 (previous bill)=200, C5=ALERT 

I could be wrong but it seems to me that the test data suggested on http://www.mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au/vceit/postmortems/2007ita/index.htm and http://infonet.cheltsec.vic.edu.au/file.php/1/ITA4-Exam-2007-VCAA-Answers-DIGv1.pdf <http://webmail.milsen.vic.edu.au/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://infonet.cheltsec.vic.edu.au/file.php/1/ITA4-Exam-2007-VCAA-Answers-DIGv1.pdf>  is wrong, maybe they should have swapped the cell references B2 & B3 in their suggested answers??? (apologies in to Mark & Stephen - I really appreciate you both putting yourselves out there)


What so you think? My student spent some time pondering whether this was a sneaky question challenging him to notice the discrepancy between the formula provided and the statement "to alert customers when their new bill is $100 or more than their previous bill" 


Samantha Mitchell

Mildura Senior College

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