[Year 12 IT Apps] VITTA Annual Conference - thanks!

RILEY, Bruce Bruce.RILEY at kew.vic.edu.au
Fri Nov 23 10:16:59 EST 2007

Hi Adrian,

I was there for Tuesday and Wednesday and had a very productive and
enjoyable two days. Like you I was able to match some emails with faces,
catch up with some old friends and meet some new people.

Congratulations to you and your team for another excellent conference.

Thanks again





Bruce Riley

ICT Manager

Kew High School

1393 Burke Road, Kew East. 3102


Phone: 9859 8652

Fax:     9819 7880



From: itapps-bounces at edulists.com.au
[mailto:itapps-bounces at edulists.com.au] On Behalf Of Adrian Janson
Sent: Thursday, 22 November 2007 3:33 PM
To: 'Year 7 - 10 Information Technology Teachers' Mailing List'; 'Year
11 Information Technology Teachers' Mailing List'; 'Year 12 Software
Development Teachers' Mailing List'; 'Year 12 IT Applications Teachers'
Mailing List'
Subject: [Year 12 IT Apps] VITTA Annual Conference - thanks!


Hi everyone (and apologies for the cross-posts),


Thank-you to everyone that attended the VITTA conference!  I hope you
all had a productive and inspirational time!  It was great to talk to
many of you (and in some cases - put faces to the names and emails!)


It takes a great deal of work putting together a conference of this size
and quality.  We set out to source the best keynote speakers that we
could - and having someone like Prof. Stephen Heppell - a key
international educationalist, was something that we were quite proud of.


We have 'vodcasted' all of the keynotes and will be making these
available, as well as all of the presentations, via the VITTA web-site
very shortly (I notice that material is beginning to be uploaded as I
'speak' / type)


Once again, I would like to publicly thank the VITTA Conference
Committee: Val Lewis, Denise Mendham, Lynda Rosman, Cate Hickey, Kelly
Beattie and Phil Callil.  

Working hard behind the scenes, the following staff from the VITTA
office: Lisa Chadderton, Caroline Bailey and Judy Thompson.  Thank-you
also to Peter Lieverdink, Gavin Ballard and the technical team, and all
the VITTA helpers.  Special mention needs to go to both Donna Benjamin
(Conference Coordinator) and Renee Hoareau (Executive Officer).  


I have uploaded my President's Report from the VITTA AGM to this
location on the VITTA web-site.



I am keen to receive any suggestions or comments about the conference so
that we can improve the event or add to its value.  So please feel free
to email me (either via the lists - or personally - might be better) and
I will take your suggestions to the conference committee.  


Have a good Christmas break - see you all in 2008!


Cheers and all the best,



Adrian Janson, 

VITTA President
Director of ICT, 
Melbourne High School, 

Forrest Hill, South Yarra 3141 Australia.
Phone: 03 9826 0711 International: +61 3 9826 0711
Fax: 03 9826 8767 International: +61 3 9826 8767
E-mail: janson.adrian.a at edumail.vic.gov.au
Website: http://www.mhs.vic.edu.au <http://www.mhs.vic.edu.ausrsing>

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