[Year 12 IT Apps] Section A and B

Mark Kelly kel at mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au
Thu Nov 15 09:15:28 EST 2007

After my comment below, Selina made me look harder at the beginning of 
the formula... it *IS* =LOOKUP, not =VLOOKUP!

I hadn't noticed that!  Excellent point.  My mind automatically read 
"VLOOKUP".  Dumb!  So the formula is wrong after all.

Thanks, Selina!

Mark Kelly wrote:
> Selina Dennis wrote:
>> My comments on Section B:


>> Q11b) The formula is incorrect. They meant VLOOKUP - take a careful 
>> look at
>> the THIRD argument. If they wanted to use LOOKUP with a third 
>> argument, the
>> correct formula would be: =LOOKUP(A7,$F$2:$F$4,$G$2:$G$4) as the third
>> argument in LOOKUP is a vector reference to another row or column of the
>> same size as the second argument. However, this is irrelevant to the
>> question, so it doesn't matter. I was just irked at the carelessness.
> I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I believe their formula is 
> correct.  Ugly, but correct.  The third argument in the VLOOKUP says 
> what column to go to in the loookup table to get the return data - in 
> this case, column 2 of the table (containing the $ per second value).
> VLOOKUP has an optional Boolean _fourth_ parameter which indicates 
> whether an exact match is required or not.

>> That's my 2c.
>> Selina Dennis
>> Strathmore Secondary College
> Thanks, Selina.  Your findings give me a new slant on things I hadn't 
> paid much attention to!

Mark Kelly
Manager - Information Systems
McKinnon Secondary College
McKinnon Rd McKinnon 3204, Victoria, Australia
Direct line / Voicemail: 8520 9085
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kel AT mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au

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