[Year 12 IT Apps] Edutainment

Timmer-Arends timmer at melbpc.org.au
Fri Aug 10 16:56:01 EST 2007

I don't know that Stephen is arguing some of the things you attribute to him 
but I'm sure he can defend himself. There is one point, however, that I 
can't let go.

DD>...Surely our main aim is to assist the
> students to adapt to the real world that "they" live in.

If helping students adapt to the real world was all we were trying to do 
then we would not have to have schools. Children readily adapt to to most 
environments without the need for school.

DD>...We have
> evolved to learn by doing, mimicking and acting out.

...and that's the problem. It is exactly the reason school needs to be a 
'better place' (I know that's massively value-laden but let's ignore it for 
now!) than what parts of society present to our students. And if we allow 
too much of the dross that's part of society into our schools, we will 
legitimate it. In this respect the Internet represents a great magnifier of 
all aspects of society - the good, the bad and the ugly. Surely there is 
enough of the bad and the ugly out there in the 'real world' without 
unnecessarily bringing it into school.

Robert T-A
Brighton SC 

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