[Year 12 IT Apps] OT: Computer rollover

David Dawson David.Dawson at wesleycollege.net
Fri Aug 10 10:57:47 EST 2007

I agree with Ros. How can we prepare kids for the real world if all we
are trying to do as administrators and IT managers, is shut down sites
like MySpace, youtube and all the gaming they do without understanding
its relevance or relative importance? Remember when TV was the big bad
wolf? Radio? Cars? Fire?
Did anyone else go to the Myspace generation in-service? I call it the
Ostrich effect - after a slide showing one with head in sand! Hide our
heads in the sand and hope the big scarey computer world will just go
Some schools want to switch ON technology and others seem to want to
shut it OFF! Which side are we on?

David Dawson
Head of Information Technology 
Head of Learning Technologies
St.Kilda Rd Campus
Wesley College, Melbourne

>>> Meadows.Roslyn.M at edumail.vic.gov.au 10/08/2007 9:43:13 am >>>
Personally I don't see the hang up about playing games in the library
 - it is THEIR time
 - they can borrow backgammon, chess or a pack of cards in the library
and play them at lunchtime, (often with much more noise) so why not a
computer game from a USB Bar or one they have created?
 - they are able to play games in the gym or on the oval at lunchtime
why not in the library?

But still - not allowed in OUR library :(

	 Roslyn Meadows
Bentleigh Secondary College
9579 1044
0412 614 062	


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