[Year 12 Its] New kid on the block

Mark Kelly kel at mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au
Fri Nov 10 11:34:24 EST 2006

Hi all.  Next year I'm taking IS/SoD (or whatever fond abbreviation will 
be used) for the first time.

I've just had a look at the 2006 IS exam to get a feel for things.

Do IS people do exam post mortems?

Anyway, some ignorant thoughts...

One small quibble is the spelling of Shneiderman  I too only found out 
this year that there's no "c" after the "s".  (source - 

A2b and B10a refer to a "type of network".  I find the word "type" 
ambiguous: does it mean LAN/WAN or P2P/Client-server , or indeed "Ethernet"?

BTW - Do IS teachers have a protocol for referring to exam questions ... 
specifying the section, question number and subquestion's letter? I hope 
you can understand which questions I'm referring to in the para above.

B13 - Is it my imagination or is the first dotpointed implementation 
option (running both systems at the same time) basically impossible? How 
could 2 different control systems run the same system at the same time 
without causing chaos?  Or is that what the kids were supposed to point out?

B17 - again, maybe it's my imagination or ignorance, or are objectives 2 
and 3 mututally exclusive.  How can no more than 2 errors per month be 
recorded (objective 2) AND record all errors (objective 3)?  Something 

Does objective 2 mean "no more than 2 errors per month will HAPPEN"? 
Otherwise, objective 2 as it stands means "Only record the first 2 
errors and ignore all the others"!



Mark Kelly
Manager - Information Systems
McKinnon Secondary College
McKinnon Rd McKinnon 3204, Victoria, Australia
Direct line / Voicemail: 8520 9085
School Phone +613 8520 9000  <<< NEW NUMBER
School Fax +613 95789253

Webmaster - http://www.mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au
IT Lecture notes: http://vceit.com
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