[Year 12 Its] Year 8 Course material
Joel Walton
ixoye1973 at yahoo.com.au
Thu Nov 24 09:37:12 EST 2005
Hello all,
Sorry for the cross posting but quite a few people
have voiced an interest to explain a bit more on my
last post about what we do at Shepparton High.
****Previously I stated****
Year 8 (21st Century Skills)
This subject has been revamped this year and is based
on a text book that does many tasks. It is looking at
how the student can use ICT to get tasks done in the
21st Century environment. This is a new subject that
I have not run personally, but by all reports from the
teacher it is running nicely.
The text that we use is
Connections: Challenges in ICT Education
Published by Heineman
ISBN: 1 74081 317 0
Overview (as i understand it)
It is a course book that is not necessarially all
about computers but about ICT. It is about using ICT
to make all kinds of connections from computers to the
internet to people and turning data into information.
So this is not a text that just gets the students to
do a series of tasks in the usual MS Office etc
applications. It talks about the terminology of ICT,
making templates, copyright, how URL's work, examining
reliability of information on different web sites etc.
So from my flicking through the text I definitely get
the feel that it is focusing on WHAT is this, WHY is
it like this, HOW can I make this more than just a
piece of typing, and can I get it to WORK for me.
I hope this was a bit more helpful to those who were
More than happy to share anything we have.
Joel Walton
Shepparton High School
Technology KLA
walton.joel.d at edumail.vic.gov.au
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