[Year 12 Its] Re: Prim vs Secondary

Kevork Krozian Kroset at novell1.fhc.vic.edu.au
Wed May 25 14:14:14 EST 2005

Hi Kevin,

 Actually the question :

>>If so, why doesn't a biography "endorsed" by the person whose life it is about elevate that work to a primary >>source ??? 

  was purely rhetorical and not a serious position. Of course endorsement does not elevate a source to primary for reasons discussed already.

And the last word in the paragraph 

> Also, we seem to by restricting a Secondary source to one where there has to be some processing . Whilst this may happen and is commonly the case, a restatement of the primary data from someone who was not a witness can still make that a secondary source. Therefore, it is neither sufficient, nor necessary for some "processing" or reinterpretation of data to take place to tag a source as primary. 

 should have read "secondary".

Let's keep in mind that we are trying to help students get the correct answer here and only that.

Keep Well and yes, Charmaine is right, back to the teaching.
 I am trying to translate my Java lessons to VB.Net , anyone care to help ?????

Forest Hill College

>>> feely.kevin.k at edumail.vic.gov.au 05/25/05 01:04pm >>>
Hi Kevork,
you warm the cockles of my heart!


If so, why doesn't a biography "endorsed" by the person whose life it is about elevate that work to a primary source ??? 

No it cant, primary sources are those with direct experience, the 
biographer relates the story as told to him by the person, his friends, 
enemies, and published articles, even if verified by the person as true 
and correct it is still secondary. The police report may be true and 
accurate from witness statements but is always secondary.

> Also, we seem to by restricting a Secondary source to one where there has to be some processing . Whilst this may happen and is commonly the case, a restatement of the primary data from someone who was not a witness can still make that a secondary source. Therefore, it is neither sufficient, nor necessary for some "processing" or reinterpretation of data to take place to tag a source as primary. 
yepyepyepyepyepyep - I think i love you!

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