[Year 12 IPM] Suggested spreadsheet functions to teach for ITA U4O1
Mark Kelly
kel at mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au
Thu Nov 30 21:16:41 EST 2006
A free unofficial, personal guide about how much spreadsheeting kids
need to know for ITA U4O1...
- At a minimum: arithmetic functions, handling percentages, SUM, AVERAGE
- How to switch to and from formula view (CTRL+~)
- Add on cell formatting, named cells/ranges and use of multiple
- Why 'constants' (such as tax rates) should be stored in named cells
rather than hardwired into formulas.
- They *need* to know VLOOKUP, and simple IF statements. Hint: nested
IFs are nasty and usually unnecessary if you can use either AND() or
OR() or CHOOSE() or VLOOKUP properly... See
http://www.mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au/la/it/ipmnotes/howto/nestedif.htm for a
- AND() OR() are _very_ handy!
- Cell protection, to stop dumb users deleting formulas
- Would also suggest value-added functions like SUMIF and COUNTIF
For the ambitious kids...
- Drop-down lists may be a nice touch to enforce validation.
- Conditional formatting is a lovely icing on the cake.
- Macros/buttons may be handy to cater for naive users.
Don't panic about things like pivot tables!
Note: The main skills are actually beyond creating the spreadsheet: it's
analysis, design, testing and evaluating that really add up in terms of
marks :-)
Note: this post is just a personal suggestion... it's not gospel!
Anything I've forgotten or screwed up?
Mark Kelly
Manager - Information Systems
McKinnon Secondary College
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