[Year 12 IPM] Recommend multimedia software
O'Connor, Peter T
oconnor.peter.t at edumail.vic.gov.au
Thu May 18 11:23:33 EST 2006
Found this an interesting article on proposed changes to copyright laws
in Australia - if you have not seen it already.
-----Original Message-----
From: ipm-bounces at edulists.com.au [mailto:ipm-bounces at edulists.com.au]
On Behalf Of Jim Haigh
Sent: Thursday, 18 May 2006 11:03 AM
To: Year 12 Information Technology Processing and Management
Teachers'Mailing List
Subject: RE: [Year 12 IPM] Recommend multimedia software
This is about the most comprehensive explanation I have been able to
find on music copyright.
There is an accompanying pdf file which has plenty of info on it.
I would be happy to forward it but it's 1.2MB so I won't post it to the
Jim Haigh
Kardinia International College
-----Original Message-----
From: ipm-bounces at edulists.com.au [mailto:ipm-bounces at edulists.com.au]
On Behalf Of Mark Kelly
Sent: Thursday, 18 May 2006 10:26 AM
To: Year 12 Information Technology Processing and Management
Teachers'Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Year 12 IPM] Recommend multimedia software
Copyright law (including the Digital Agenda Act) basically says that you
can't do anything with other people's copyrighted intellectual property.
If it seems reasonable, logical or fun, it's probably illegal.
But seriously, as I read it, you can't communicate, adapt or convert
copyrighted material without permission if it's more than a tiny amount
of the original.
Alex Hopkins wrote:
> Graham Travers wrote about using Audacity to add sound to Flash files.
> I was interested to hear that, as it came on the same day I'd been
> having a conversation with one of my younger students about doing that
> very thing. I had told him I wasn't sure about all the copyright
> relating to using music files (despite being an IT teacher. My
> ignorance must be attributed to my not being an IPM teacher despite
> subscribing to the IPM list). What are we allowed to do in this
> -Alex Hopkins
Mark Kelly
McKinnon Secondary College
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