[Year 12 IPM] VCE Information Technology Texts 2007

Kevork Krozian kevork at edulists.com.au
Thu Mar 9 19:59:56 EST 2006

Hi Samantha,

 This is fabulous early reconnaissance !
The IT limb has grown a few new branches at edulists as well ( www.edulists.com.au ) and overtaken IPM and IS.
So far, we have 1 document at each of sofdev, itapps and Yr11it thanks to the indefatigable Mark Kelly.
This will keep growing as more information , resources and ideas come in. 
I get the feeling we will be quite well prepared by the time 2007 comes along...  here's hoping anyway !!!

Best Wishes

Kevork Krozian
Mailing List Creator and Administrator
kevork at edulists.com.au
Tel: 0419 356 034
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  To: ipm at fhc.vic.edu.au 
  Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 4:31 PM
  Subject: [Year 12 IPM] VCE Information Technology Texts 2007

  VCE Information Technology Texts 2007

  I am starting to do a bit of ferreting around chasing texts; I'll pass on my findings to the list. 

  To my knowledge, these are the new texts (across all 3 studies) that are in the pipelines at the various publishers.

  Does anyone have other information?


  Thomson (www.thomsonlearning.com.au)

  There will be 3 texts published (one for each study), I spoke to a sales rep who is contacting me when 'proofs' are available

  -          Information Technology Applications, Potts / Keane / Lancaster / Lawson / Lawson (ISBN: 0170130258, Release Date:14/11, $62.95)

  -          Software Development, Fitzpatrick / Keane (ISBN: 0170130584, Release Date:16/8, $54.95)

  -          Information Technology, Potts / Fitzpatrick / Keane / Lawson / Scott (ISBN: 0170130266, Release Date:10/11, $62.95)


  Jacaranda (www.jaconline.com.au)

  -          There will be 3 texts published (one for each study), I spoke to a sales rep who is emailing more details.


  Macmillan (www.macmillan.com.au)

  -          I spoke to a sales rep who thinks IT at WORK and IT at LIVE aren't being revised but they were going to confirm.


  Heinemann (www.hi.com.au)

  -          No information yet, still waiting on a return phone call from the sales rep.


  Samantha Mitchell

  ICT Manager

  Mildura Senior College

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