[Year 12 IPM] Technicians (Re: Audacity)

Bricks J. Winzer sarcophagus13 at iprimus.com.au
Wed Feb 22 16:29:19 EST 2006

Let me say from the outset that my labelling in my previous e-mail (I need 
not repeat it) is part of a bigger malaise affecting people in general.  I'm 
just sensing people in general getting stupider.  Present company excepted.

> Whilst I agree that Audacity is a fantastic program and that the use of
> it should be encouraged. I am a little concerned at how this Subject is
> starting to descend in to an attack on technicians or more specifically
> a technician. 
[scene deleted]
> I believe that we need to stay on track with the discussion and avoid
> the use of personal attacks. We do also need to be careful simply
> because we don't know all of the people who read these emails. I know my
> technicians certainly do.

I like working with technicians - in fact I'm aspiring to be one because I 
don't have much confidence in my ability as a classroom teacher.  The 
techies have often told me that their job is frustrating because they cop 
the flak if something goes amiss.

On the other side of the coin, often I'm frustrated that I have the 
knowledge to fix a problem, either for myself or someone else, but I can't 
do it because I don't have the privileges.  I mean, heck, I could be doing 
some of the little things that techies have to deal with when they'd rather 
be doing some of the "heavier" things... but sometimes techies get a bit 
territorial too.


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