[Year 12 IPM] Cisco course proposal
Mark Kelly
kel at mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au
Tue Apr 18 11:30:37 EST 2006
Below is a message from Henry Wiebell of the Box Hill Institute who is
keen to provide IPM (and future ITA/SOD) students with courses
containing basic PC info... for free.
---- original message follows
Development of generic ICT learning resources using Cisco Academy ITE1
The Cisco Academy Program has for many years, been providing excellent
on-line learning resources for technically-oriented learners. These have
been provided to learning institutions around the world for free. They
do not however, suit non-technical ICT users. It seems to me that
virtually everyone these days needs to understand the basics of the
Windows operating system, the basics of PC operation and the basics of
networking. It's my belief that, by picking the eyes out of Cisco's ITE1
course, a good generic course for non-technical ICT users could be
created to cover these areas. Such a course could then be useful to a
huge variety of users and professions; law, accounting, finance,
hospitality, medicine, tourism, small business, etc, etc. I'm looking
for people who would be interested in helping me evaluate such a
project. So I'm looking for:
1. feedback as to whether such a generic learning resource for
non-technical ICT users would be of benefit in a wide variety of
disciplines and in particular in VCE-IPM
2. anyone who'd be willing to take some time out to look at the
Cisco ITE1 curriculum and advise me of those bits they think would suit
IPM and/or other disciplines.
Contact details:
Henry Wiebell
Box Hill Institute
h.wiebell at bhtafe.edu.au
03 - 9286 9861
---- message ends
I've had a chat with him, and I think a free online course on basic IT
info would be really helpful.
Mark Kelly
Manager - Information Systems
McKinnon Secondary College
McKinnon Rd McKinnon 3204, Victoria, Australia
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