[Year 12 IPM] Re: OT Kahootz and 7-10 IT

Greg Bowden bowden.gregory.l at edumail.vic.gov.au
Wed Jun 22 12:15:30 EST 2005

Hello everyone

Further the discussion a couple of weeks ago about the structure of IT 
in the 7-10 curriculum.  I’m wondering what schools are doing with 
Kahootz.  It seems to me to be a program that lends itself to being 
taught in a stand alone IT class then used by other KLAs once students 
know how to use it properly.  I can’t see KLAs at my school providing 
much class time for the learning of Kahootz.   I’ve just started 
teaching Kahootz to a year 8 IT class and I am hoping at the end of the 
unit one of the other teachers of the class will set a project using 

I must confess to also having a personal interest in Kahootz.  I’ve 
developed a teaching unit for it and I am trying to decide whether it 
is worth the time and effort to send a flyer to schools (not much use 
if not many schools have started to use it).  So any feedback on your 
opinions of Kahootz and its use would be helpful (e-mail me off the 
list if you prefer).  If you would like to have a look at some sample 
pages of the Kahootz unit they can be viewed at www.gct.com.au - then 
follow the Kahootz link.

Greg Bowden
ICT Manager
North Geelong SC

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