[Year 12 IPM] Ratio of students to computers

Russell Curr RUSSELL at avila.vic.edu.au
Thu Jul 14 13:52:56 EST 2005

At Avila College we have:
for student:
5 x 28 pc's
1 x 22 pc's
plus about 24 in the corridor of several areas, and 6 in the Library
and 18 Macs in the Music Dept.
Students have access at all times before and after school, or when a room is free.

Staff have access to 12 pc's in their work area plus laptops for staff to borrow.
All are running Win XP and StarOffice as the office suite.

And this in a school of approx. 1000 students


Russell Curr
Network Manager
Avila College
Ph: 9831-9645
Fax: 03-9888-1202
email: russell at avila.vic.edu.au

>>> rge at westallsc.vic.edu.au 07/14/05 1:39 pm >>>
Golly, 1:1 is ambitious but not unheard of.
We have set our curriculum PC ratio at 1:4 with two 26 labs, two 13 labs,
two 10 pods, and 10 library with good access outside class-time. All PC's
have a near identical setup and image. College teaching staff have their own
laptop. Seems to be enough of a mix to keep us all happy and busy.

Perhaps reducing your TCO with software such as OpenOffice would help you
access some new avenues of funding for more computers.

Regards Roland

Roland Gesthuizen - eLearning Coordinator - Westall Secondary College 

-----Original Message-----
From: ipm-bounces at edulists.com.au [mailto:ipm-bounces at edulists.com.au] On
Behalf Of Esko Lossi
Sent: Thursday, 14 July 2005 12:21 PM
To: Year 12 Information Technology Processing and Management
Teachers'Mailing List
Subject: [Year 12 IPM] Ratio of students to computers

Is there any school "out there" that has a computer for every single student
for every single class. I am dealing with a couple of teachers with
expectations and I would like to say to them that sometimes students just
have to share computers in most schools.
Esko Lossi
ICT Coordinator 
Melton Christian College

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