[Year 12 IPM] Data vs Information

Peter Ruwoldt (Wrk) pruwoldt at bigpond.net.au
Thu Aug 25 19:38:53 EST 2005

I agree 100% - "Just because data is collated and sorted and summarised 
does not make it more than data". 

However, if that processing of data gives me something that I find 
useful, that helps me make informed decisions - that I call 
information.  'Information that is not useful' - there is a 
contradiction.  Information is what is used to become informed.  When 
you are informed you have something that is useful - now that you are 
informed you can consider this in you decision making.  The stuff that 
your boss is feeding you at a staff meeting is called fodder or data.

Agreed - IT should be called 'data processing'.


Mike Brookes wrote:

> Hi Peter et al
> Not if you use my first definition :-)
> Just because information is not useful does not mean that it is not 
> information.
> (how much of the information that you gain at a staff meeting do you 
> find useful - oops sorry boss just kidding)
> Just because data is collated and sorted and summarised does not make 
> it more than data, however it is data that would make it easier for 
> the reader to gain more information.
> The confusion bought about by the hijacking of these terms is because 
> a so called "Information Processing" system does not process 
> information - it processes DATA. Its purpose is to gather, process, 
> store and display the data in a form that makes it easier for PEOPLE 
> to interpret and gain understanding (information) about a thing or 
> situation.
> Mike Brookes
> Chief cook and bottlewasher
> Copperfield College
> Peter Ruwoldt (Wrk) wrote:
>> What is information to one person is data to another. (aka - one 
>> person's garbage is anothers treasure)
>> Consider the scenario of a person from the health commission asking 
>> students to complete a health survey.  The fact that an individual 
>> student smokes is not useful to the person from the health 
>> commission.  Sure they are concerned that a youth chooses to smoke.  
>> The fact that YOU as an individual smokes is going to be useful 
>> information to your parents but not the health commission.  When they 
>> gather all of the data and find out that it is mainly 14-19 year old 
>> females that smoke they have some information that they can use which 
>> will helpful in better targeting their quit campaign.
>> Now we can weave drug education into information technology - that's 
>> called value adding.
>> Cheers
>> Peter
> snip
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If computers get too powerful, we can organize them into a committee -- that will do them in.

Peter Ruwoldt

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