[Year 12 IPM] VITTA 3in6-2005 Launched

Keith Richardson keithcr at fastmail.fm
Mon Apr 11 10:51:08 EST 2005

Please excuse cross-posts.
The VITTA 3in6 Video Competition for Schools will happen again this
year. It has been expanded to include three Divisions - Primary (Yrs
5&6), Junior Secondary (Yrs 7-9), and Senior Secondary (Yrs 10-11). It
can be traditional video, animations, or a combination of these. It can
include both still and moving images. It challenges teams of students to
create a 3 minute video in just 6 hours.
It will take place in all schools that have registered with "VITTA
3in6-2005" between 9am and 3pm on Thursday 27th October, 2005.
Full details may be viewed by visiting the website
A Word document containing all required information plus registration
form and judging criteria may be downloaded from the Resources page.
Last year, our first, was most successful. Taking on board the many
suggestions that were put forward by both participants and observers, we
have incorporated many changes. Ultimately, though, it is for our
students. Please bring it to the attention of the students and teachers
in your school that you feel might be interested.
Copies of last year's best entries are still available for download -
visit the Archives page.
Thank you for your wonderful support in 2004. We look forward to an even
bigger and better and more exciting competition in 2005. Final judging
will take place at VITTA's Annual Conference in November at Flemington
Keith Richardson.
VITTA 3in6-2005 Organizer.
Keith Richardson
Leibler Yavneh College
Elsternwick Ph (03)9528 4911
keithcr at fastmail.fm

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