[iOS] Research on iPads ......

Kevork Krozian kevork at edulists.com.au
Tue Sep 4 11:24:03 EST 2012

Hi Folks,

   If I may ask a very broad question, is anyone across recent research
covering the impact of iPads and apps in learning
achievement/improvement at any level ( primary, secondary, tertiary ) ?

Specifically, I am wondering if there is a control group of any type such
as alternate tablets, mobile devices,  netbooks, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro
etc etc.

Additionally I am wondering if a baseline is used in the study such as “
Both groups, control and iPad users entered the study at VELS level x. At
the end of the study the control group was at y and the iPad users were at
z on the VELS or any other measurement used”.

Generalized findings such as students showed improvement in confidence
with the use of technology or could read better ( than what ? not having
any technology or having a laptop or working in labs ? ) will not be as
useful IMHO.

It is a topic that has come up in discussion and I am looking for both
research as well as anecdotal evidence from schools on the iPad journey.


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